By Tito A. Cortez
Many of us think we are invincible. At least that's what we thought when we were in Vietnam or somewhere else fighting a war.
But someone always reminds us that sooner or later, we will quit functioning and go away forever. And when we go, we leave others behind to take care of the things we were doing when we were still here. And according to statistics, 65% percent of the time, the male spouse goes first, leaving their spouse to take care of things, and to make decisions on what's to be done.
But the sad part of all of this, is somehow each of us Veterans don't know about our burial entitlements. Not with the VA anyway. Statistics show 15% of us know our burial entitlements. 5% of us use them.
So, to make you aware or more knowledgeable of what you need to prepare, VSSA is offering bi-monthly workshops to help veterans with final preparations or burial arrangements.
Because seats are limited and we could only take 20 couples at one time, we require you to select a date and make a reservation for you and your spouse to attend.
Call 408-770-2527 and ask Herminia when you make your decision. Please remember, you will need a reservation to attend. NO WALK-INS ALLOWED.
These workshops will be at 1:00 PM or 1300 hours to 3:00 PM or 1600 hours and will take place on:
Friday, November 18, 2016
Friday, January 27, 2017
Friday, March 24, 2017
Friday, April 21, 2017
Friday, May 19, 2017
Friday, June 16, 2017
AT: Noble House Community Center, 14630 Noble Avenue, San Jose, CA 95132.
Mr. Barry Bamford, President of Sacred Space Memorial, will be our facilitator.